TCA highlights productivity and safety opportunities of On-Board Mass

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) last week hosted an On-Board Mass (OBM) Forum at MEGATRANS2018. The forum was an open session for interested parties to hear from TCA and OBM System suppliers on the progress of OBM type-approval and the benefits of type-approved systems. Chief Executive Officer of TCA, Chris Koniditsiotis said, “We appreciate the chance to speak directly with the transport industry, government representatives and telematics specialists.”
The OBM Forum discussed:
- How OBM Systems are an enabler for reform
- How Australia has led the world in establishing performance-based outcomes for OBM Systems, which promotes an open technology market
- How this work is informing international work being progressed through the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the International Society for Weigh-InMotion (ISWIM) (further information here)
- The three categories of OBM System type-approval (further information here)
- The latest developments from OBM System suppliers
- Examples of how OBM Systems can deliver real-world benefits from being used by the transport industry
- The opportunities for road managers to re-engineer the use of road networks, by having access to reliable and accurate mass data, as reflected through the updated Australian Standard for Bridge Assessments (further information here).
The forum was attended by Certified Service Providers, OBM System suppliers, and industry representatives, and provided a platform for the open exchange of the latest thinking, opportunities and importantly, how best to meet the demands of the freight and logistics sector.
Transport operators are already making forward investment decisions to install type-approved OBM Systems, as soon as they become available, so that they can take advantage of productivity reforms.
For example, in Victoria introduction of Higher Productivity Freight Vehicles (HPFVs) – and the opportunity to expand the HPFV network with greater payload capacities – is premised in the availability of type-approved OBM Systems.
TCA will be providing further information about type-approved OBM Systems, as they become available.