TCA releases new specification to improve interconnectivity of telematics and related intelligent technologies

Transport Certification Australia (TCA), the national government body responsible for providing assurance in the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies, today released a new Specification to promote the interconnectivity of telematics and related intelligent technologies.
The Interconnectivity of Telematics In-Vehicle Unit (IVU) with Other Systems Functional and Technical Specification establishes a standardised form of communication and interconnection necessary to connect a Telematics In-Vehicle Unit (IVU) with other related systems and devices. The Specification can be used for any mode of transport with a Telematics IVU including taxis, cars, locomotives, commercial and heavy vehicles.
TCA Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis said, “This new interconnectivity Specification joins a growing suite of performance-based functional and technical specifications developed by TCA as part of the nationally agreed National Telematics Framework.”
“With the emergence of telematics services that integrate functions offered by other intelligent systems and devices – such as electronic user interfaces, dispatch systems, On-Board Mass (OBM) systems and the like – the Specification enables the capabilities of a Telematics IVU, such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) time and positioning referencing, to be leveraged by other systems and devices.”
“This allows a Telematics IVU to be used a telematics ‘hub’ by providing interconnectivity with other related intelligent technologies.”
“This interconnectivity also enables the use of multiple systems and devices from different suppliers and service providers, providing greater flexibility and choice for end-users, and importantly, the ability to drive innovation,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.
“It also means that systems and devices can be purchased, upgraded or replaced independently of a Telematics IVU.”
“TCA encourages the telematics industry to incorporate the requirements contained within the Specification into its product and service offerings.”
“I also encourage end users to seek products and services which are able to meet the standards detailed in the Specification,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.
A copy of the Specification can be obtained by visiting