TCA Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) and On-Board Mass (OBM)

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) hosted the Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Forum this week in Brisbane.
TCA Chief Executive Officer and President of the International Society for Weigh-In-Motion (ISWIM), Chris Koniditsiotis said, “The forum attracted over 70 delegates from Australia and overseas.”
“Attendees included road managers, policy makers, regulators, researchers, transport operators, WIM suppliers, On-Board (OBM) suppliers and telematics providers.”
The Forum explored:
- How mass data is being collected from a variety of in-road and in-vehicle systems
- The growing dependence on mass information for infrastructure management, maintenance and investment planning, and compliance management
- How WIM and OBM systems are being used to support productivity and safety reforms.
High-calibre speakers from Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Roads and Maritime Services (New South Wales), VicRoads (Victoria), Austroads, the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) and the National Transport Commission (NTC) delivered presentations.
The common theme from the Forum was that mass data has multiple sources, and multiple uses, and how a standardised approach for the collection and exchange of data can further optimise road infrastructure utilisation and planning.
The Forum also highlighted how On-Board Mass (OBM) Systems are driving improved productivity outcomes for heavy vehicle freight, following the recent release of the Australian Standard for Bridge Design Loads (AS 5100.2:2017).
“The bridge design standard specifically recognises how the use of OBM Systems, when used withthe Intelligent Access Program (IAP), allows infrastructure managers to reduce load factors for bridges,” Mr Koniditsiotis said.
“By having a better understanding of vehicle loads (through OBM Systems) and the number of vehicle movements (through the IAP), bridges are now effectively being ‘re-engineered’ for higher mass loads, without capital investment or maintenance expenditure.
Forum participants developed a shortlist of initiatives to progress the use of WIM and OBM technologies.
Mr Koniditsiotis said, “A strong theme from the Forum was the need to have national standardisation of data and interoperability of mass data, to support the growing use of data for the compliance management functions by regulators and road managers, but also road planners, pavements and bridge engineers, policy analysts, and transport operators – and more beyond.”
“A summary of actionable items will be published, and will form the basis of collaborative work programs to potential partner organisations, beneficiaries.”
I wish to acknowledge the support of the Queensland Government in supporting this Forum, and look forward to advancing the use of WIM and OBM technologies.