
Traveller Information Exchange (TIX)

The Traveller Information Exchange (TIX) is a service offered through the National Telematics Framework.

It allows a growing number of information producers and information providers to share information with information users.

TIX builds on the core functionality of a common data dictionary, business rules and other common infrastructure. It provides exchange of information through standardised digital business processes and infrastructure.

The benefits of TIX

TIX allows road users access to information that helps with planning a smarter and safer journey.

It creates a more connected and better informed freight and logistics network by improving the availability of information for optimised journey planning and scheduling.

TIX enables users of the transport network to connect with many information producers through one common standardised information exchange by:

  • Supporting an ‘open exchange’ of information among stakeholders (making it available to any technology provider through an open standard)
  • Overcoming traditional barriers which inhibit the open exchange of information
  • Enabling information providers to target specific information from different information producers to individual information users – based on their needs for information during a journey.

This is an important asset in the emerging digital transport infrastructure.

How do I use it?

Information producers can publish event-based data (such as the availability of a port loading slot) to TIX through a RESTful API, allowing information providers to receive a data feed of relevant messages for information users.

Information providers interested in events or data from TIX can subscribe, and will be notified of the event, for relevant information to their information users.

The TIX Ecosystem

The TIX Ecosystem

TIX Integration Guides

We have published TIX integration guides for authorised users only. They contain useful background information, references, an implementation guide, and where to get support:


For more information on TIX, see the Traveller Information Exchange Overview.

If you have questions about TIX and the information currently available within this service, or would like to access the TIX integration guides, please Contact us.

See also

Level of assurance

Subject to road manager or regulator requirements

Learn more about Traveller Information Exchange (TIX)

Last updated on 19 January 2020