TCA provides update on freight innovation trials
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) takes this opportunity to provide an update on the Industry Framework for Trialling Road Freight Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Associated Technologies, after submissions closed in April 2015.
Announced by the Victorian Minister for Roads, Road Safety and Ports, the Hon Luke Donnellan MP, this initiative is amongst the first of its kind, providing the heavy vehicle, freight and ITS industries with the opportunity to come forward with innovative proposals to trial ITS technologies that can improve the operation of heavy vehicles on the Victorian road network.
“We’re pleased to advise that a diversity of proponents came forward in response to the Industry Framework, which will support the Victorian Government’s commitment to undertake freight innovation trials to improve the operation of heavy vehicles on the network,” said TCA Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis.
Work is currently underway to assess the proposals against the evaluation criteria.
TCA and VicRoads will be interacting with proponents over the coming weeks to better understand their ideas, and how they can be translated into demonstrations.
Further information about this initiative can be obtained by contacting Graham Taylor on 03 8601 4600 or [email protected].