Entry Options initiative for the IAP – report on progress

Marking six months since it was made available to all transport operators across the country, TCA today reported on the progress of the Entry Options initiative for the Intelligent Access Program (IAP).
“Since April 2013, TCA has received a strong response from transport operators wanting their In-Vehicle Units (IVUs) assessed under the Entry Options initiative,” said TCA Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis.
“Transport operators have the opportunity to gain an independent, unbiased assessment of their IVUs against key technical and functional requirements demanded by Australian Governments.”
“To date, we’ve received 15 different types of IVU’s from transport operators for assessment.”
“It’s fair to say there has been a diversity in the IVUs presented, and when each of these are compared with the national IAP functional and technical requirements, there are significant differences in the quality and performance.”
“I’m pleased to advise that of the IVU which have been assessed so far, some – with relatively minor firmware modifications – are capable of satisfying IAP requirements.”
“Security is a key area where IVU’s don’t fully satisfy IAP requirements. This relates to tamper detection, data storage, and non-repudiation measures (to ensure that the transmission of data from the vehicle occurs securely without manipulation).”
“Significantly, these are shortcomings that – when highlighted to transport operators – are seen as desirable not just for the IAP, but critical to underpin effective safe systems of management across their business.”
“For those that have received a completed assessment, and where TCA has determined that their IVUs can satisfy key technical and functional requirements with reasonable amendments, we encourage transport operators to work with their technology supplier to finalise the steps required.”
“The Entry Options initiative has demonstrated that existing IVUs are indeed capable of satisfying IAP requirements and I welcome transport operators interested in having their IVUs assessed to make contact with TCA to explore their options, at absolutely no cost,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.
To highlight the options now available through the Entry Options initiative, TCA has launched a suite of information, including an interactive feature that was developed to help inform transport operators about the IAP, and to provide guidance on the options available.
Transport operators should contact TCA directly on 03 8601 4600 or [email protected]. More information is available at IAP for Transport Operators.