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NSW adopts the use of OBM systems linked to the IAP

8 December 2014

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today acknowledged that On-Board Mass (OBM) systems linked to the Intelligent Access Program (IAP) are now a requirement for specific vehicle combinations and loads in New South Wales.

“TCA has been informed by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)1 that some Performance Based Standards (PBS) ‘A-Double’ combinations and all Higher Mass Limits (HML) Quad Axle B Double combinations operating in New South Wales must have an OBM system linked to the IAP as a condition of permit,” said TCA Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis.

“TCA nationally administers the use of OBM systems linked to the IAP, allowing road managers such as RMS to grant access to routes that may have previously been unavailable for these vehicle types, due to identified infrastructure risks.”

“Access demands and productivity considerations are at the core of this development, benefitting road managers and transport operators alike.”

“OBM systems linked to the IAP are allowing road managers to unlock significant productivity gains for transport operators, without necessitating capital intensive infrastructure upgrades.”

“The Department of Transport and Main Roads in Queensland has shown leadership in this area, having been able to open up access for a new generation of substantially more productive and environmentally friendly Performance Based Standards (PBS) 2B vehicles.”

“Benefits on the Toowoomba to Port of Brisbane route include an estimated 100% increase in productivity, a 40% reduction in environmental emissions and a 50% reduction in the number of truck trips required for the same freight task2.”

“TCA’s operational findings indicate that an OBM system properly installed and correctly calibrated is able to determine a heavy vehicle’s total combination mass within 2% for 95% of the time, when compared to a correctly operating and calibrated weighbridge – this is consistent with the original findings3.”

“The use of OBM systems linked to the IAP has been recognised with several local and international awards – the most recent being the ITS Asia Pacific Industry Award at the 20th ITS World Congress in Tokyo Japan, in October 2013.”

“Stakeholders interested in operating OBM systems linked to the IAP are encouraged to contact their jurisdictional office or TCA for further information,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.

Further information including the IAP Service Providers that can supply OBM Systems linked to the IAP can be obtained from www.tca.gov.au.

  1. http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/business-industry/heavy-vehicles/road-access/on-board-mass.html
  2. Source: IAP What’s In It For Me? Big Benefits for Toowoomba to Port of Brisbane Corridor
  3. Source: On-Board Mass Monitoring Test Report