Record growth in the Intelligent Access Program (IAP)

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today reported record growth in the IAP over the last twelve months.
From 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018, an additional 657 vehicles were enrolled in the IAP application, contributing to a total of 4,817 vehicles at 30 June 2018.
The IAP is an application of the National Telematics Framework, which enables road managers and regulators to manage heavy vehicle access, and offer improved access, to the road network.
TCA’s Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis, said “Transport operators continue to take advantage of the 77 different access arrangements enabled by the IAP application – which have been made available by road managers and regulators – to meet industry demands for greater productivity, more efficient use of road infrastructure, and address issues of community, government and industry confidence.”
“We are seeing changes in the way transport operators are deriving value from the IAP, by pro-actively working with road managers and regulators to negotiate improved access to the road network.”
“As a result, the IAP application is being used in increasingly novel and innovative ways to deliver improved productivity outcomes.”
“Another contributing factor has been the transport sector’s widespread adoption of TCA-recognised Telematics In-Vehicle Units (IVUs) across the heavy vehicle fleet.”
“TCA can advise that, as at July 2018, there are now over 45,000 TCA-recognised Telematics IVUs installed in heavy vehicles across the country, representing an increase of 16% from this time last year.”
“The fitment of TCA-recognised Telematics IVUs across so many heavy vehicles allows transport operators to easily ‘opt-in’ to the IAP – or any other application of the National Telematics Framework – without needing to worry about the purchase and installation of in-vehicle technology.”
“The ease of activating applications, coupled with the ability for multiple applications to co-exist from a single Telematics IVU, has contributed to the growth in other applications of the National Telematics Framework.”
“For heavy vehicle users of the Framework, this includes mass management applications which leverage the use of On-Board Mass (OBM) Systems, and a suite of other commercial applications and offerings,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.
“With an open technology market of providers offering applications through the National Telematics Framework, the transport sector continues to benefit from competition and choice, which drives the availability of new and innovative technologies and services,” Mr Koniditsiotis added.
As reported in May 2018, TCA is leading work to develop a package of enhancements to the IAP, so that a business case recommending a range of optimisations and improvements can be presented to the Transport and Infrastructure Council (TIC) by November 2018.
TCA invites those wanting to contribute to the development of the work program to improve the IAP application, and offer feedback on the National Telematics Framework, to please contact us here.