Stephen Golding stands down as chairperson of TCA

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) has announced that Stephen Golding AM RFD is standing down as Chairperson of TCA at its forthcoming December Board meeting.
After a long and distinguished career, which includes holding the position of Director General of the Queensland Department of Main Roads from 2000 to 2005, Mr Golding has overseen the governance and strategic direction of TCA since its formative years.
Stephen Golding said “Being Chairperson of a government body with carriage of unprecedented functions within the transport portfolio has been a unique opportunity.”
“Along with my fellow Directors, I am proud to have observed TCA grow into the respected, dynamic and innovative organisation that it is today.”
“Perhaps because of its success, it is easy to take TCA’s role for granted.”
“Nevertheless, I am confident that we have successfully translated the vision behind the original decisions into a reality,” said Mr Golding.
TCA’s formation in 2005 followed decisions made by road and transport agencies and Responsible Ministers to establish new operational capabilities within government to lead productivity, safety and efficiency benefits through the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies.
“It’s been an honour to work with Directors on the TCA Board, who have displayed the highest levels of professionalism and integrity.”
“It has also been pleasing to see so many prior Directors, who have had a hand in shaping TCA, move in to prominent roles across the public and private sectors.”
The outgoing Chief Executive Officer TCA, Chris Koniditsiotis, said “Stephen Golding has been a pinnacle example of leadership, integrity, and strength to me, the executive and the Board.”
“We have benefitted from Stephen’s experience, insights and most importantly, wisdom.”
“TCA wishes Stephen well for the future,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.
Mr Golding retains Board positions on the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation, the Queensland Reconstruction Authority and Transmax Pty Ltd.