TCA expands IAP to include On-Board Mass Units (OBMU)

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today announced it will expand the Intelligent Access Program (IAP) to incorporate the use of type-approved On-Board Mass Units (OBMUs) – to be known as IAP Mass (IAPm).
Commonly recognised as weigh scales or mass systems, OBMUs typically utilise load cell or air pressure technologies to measure the axle group mass and gross vehicle mass of heavy vehicle combinations.
From 1 September 2013, TCA will centrally administer the use of On-Board Mass Units (OBMUs) linked to the Intelligent Access Program (IAP), representing another significant milestone in the national transport reform agenda.
Under these new arrangements, TCA will become responsible for the Queensland interim OBM solution, which has been administered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR). TCA’s responsibility – as with other regulatory telematics programs it administers – is to provide assurance to policy makers, road managers, regulators and the transport industry in the use of the Program.
‘TMR has shown leadership in this area by deploying the interim OBM solution which involves the operation of OBMUs with the IAP as well as facilitating access and major productivity gains through the use of Performance Based Standards (PBS) vehicles on key freight routes – such as between Toowoomba and the Port of Brisbane,’ said TCA Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis.
‘As TCA type-approved OBMUs become available, we will be able to introduce the availability of IAPm which – for the first time – will combine the use of in-vehicle telematics, type-approved OBMUs and associated services in an integrated, certified program administered nationally by TCA for the use of road managers, regulators and the transport industry. Critically, IAPm will apply the practical experience we’ve gained from the interim OBM solution.’
‘IAPm will allow the highest level of vehicle location and mass assurance, where there are identified needs associated with granting road access for specific vehicle combinations.’
‘For transport operators already using OBMUs in Queensland with the IAP, TCA has consulted with IAP Service Providers and the OBMU industry to confirm there will be no immediate change to current operational arrangements in Queensland and stakeholders can be assured of a managed transition to IAPm.’
‘Today’s announcement follows TCA’s statement on 5 July 2013 that it will commence the type-approval of OBMUs against a nationally-agreed performance-based functional and technical specification, to provide transport operators with greater confidence in their use.’
‘Type-approval will ensure the operation of OBMUs
continue to meet the needs and expectations of transport operators in service.’
‘The move towards the type-approval of OBMUs follows considerable work by TCA in consultation with road and transport agencies and the OBM industry and transport operators, with significant support from all stakeholders,’ said Mr Koniditsiotis.