TCA hosts international and Australian experts in connected vehicles at special industry event
Transport Certification Australia (TCA), the national government body responsible for providing assurance in the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies, this week hosted the Connected Vehicle Security and Standards industry event. Over seventy guests attended the fully booked event to discuss international developments to harmonise security and standards for connected and automated vehicles.
As the Australian co-lead on international harmonisation task groups (HTGs) with the European Commission and the US Department of Transportation, TCA has hosted the HTG team this week in Melbourne.
This week’s event provided a means for experts from Europe, the United States and Australia to communicate progress and facilitate discussion on security, trust, privacy and interoperability for Connected and Automated Vehicles – key areas that will underpin the cooperative and connected transportation network into the future.
“The speakers highlighted the benefits being derived from of a unified, cooperative and consistent approach to standardisation and security,” said TCA acting Chief Executive Officer, Gavin Hill. “A key theme of the event was that security and harmonisation efforts require deliberate, collaborative efforts between regions, while taking local considerations into account.”
Senior representatives from Australian road and transport agencies, the National Transport Commission (NTC), Austroads, the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), Roads Australia, ITS Australia, the NZ Ministry of Transport, Royal Automobile Club Victoria (RACV), Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC), as well as representatives from the automotive, telematics and transport sectors were all in attendance.
“The event benefitted not only from the diversity of stakeholders, but the ability for HTG members to translate highly complex subject matter into readily understandable concepts.”
“To this end, I take this opportunity to acknowledge HTG members from Europe, the United States and Australia in taking the time to deliver presentations at the event.”
“Members of the European Commission and the USDOT acknowledged the benefits of Australia’s ongoing involvement in the harmonisation effort,” said Mr Hill.
With their being few environments where security is operationally deployed in the transport sector, the National Telematics Framework is provides critical learnings which are now being applied to the world of CAVs.
TCA’s experience in deploying and managing a secure, operational environment has been especially valuable.
“Governments around the world are making security a priority to the enable the deployment of technologies that will transform the transport network. Safety and security are one and the same for the connected vehicle world. Compromised security could threaten the safety of travelers. Security is also fundamental to ensuring a commercially viable deployment. This week’s event made that crystal clear,” Mr Hill said.