TCA introduces Telematics IVU specification for land-based transport applications

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today announced the release of a Telematics In-Vehicle Unit (IVU) Functional and Technical Specification which can be referenced for land-based transport uses.
“The use of telematics across land-based transport, including the bus, taxi, mining, insurance, emergency services and automotive sectors (for both light and heavy vehicles) has grown significantly in recent times. So much so, that telematics IVUs are now commonly used for tracking, navigation, fleet management, safety and the management of regulatory requirements,” said TCA Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis.
“While IVUs can be used to perform any number of functions and services – including the ability to interface with vehicle management systems and Co-Operative ITS (C-ITS) systems – the Telematics IVU Specification sets out the core requirements to ensure reliability, integrity and security. These requirements are especially critical if the information collected from IVUs is to be used and relied upon by third parties – such as in a contractual relationship or a regulatory setting.”
“Through the availability of the Telematics IVU Specification, TCA is providing a valuable point of reference for anyone making procurement decisions by comparing the merits of different IVU types.”
“TCA has worked with members of the Telematics Industry Group (TIG) – which consists of manufacturers and suppliers of telematics products and services (including Service Providers certified by TCA) – in shaping the Telematics IVU Specification.”
The Telematics IVU Specification is available on the Telematics Device Functional and Technical Specification page.
“Stakeholders are able to freely use the Telematics IVU Specification to become informed purchasers.”
“I am also pleased to announce that TCA is now accepting applications for IVUs to be type-approved against the Telematics IVU Specification. We anticipate that, over time, a selection of type-approved IVUs will become available in the marketplace. Consumers and purchasers will benefit from having assurance that any IVU type-approved by TCA satisfies the Telematics IVU Specification.”
“Manufacturers and suppliers of type-approved IVUs will also have the option of supporting multiple applications, consistent with the principles of the National Telematics Framework and international standards (ISO 15638).”
“TCA’s leadership in developing and administering a performance based, multi-provider and multi-application telematics framework was recently recognised internationally when TCA was awarded the Asia-Pacific Industry Award at the ITS World Congress in Tokyo, Japan, during October 2013,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.