TCA releases updated Telematics IVU specification

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today released an update to the Telematics In-Vehicle Unit (IVU) Functional and Technical Specification.
TCA Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis, said “The updated Specification reflects changes in national and international standards, feedback from industry, and the growing number of apps supported by Telematics IVUs.”
“Telematics IVUs (be they built into a vehicle or aftermarket) are increasingly being used as a technical and communications ‘hub’ within a vehicle, which connect (and support) multiple systems and driver devices.”
“The Specification can be used across transport modes, supports multiple uses (consistent ISO 15638/TARV) and enables interoperability.” Mr Koniditsiotis continued, “It means end-users don’t need to install separate, stand-alone devices to perform individual functions, significantly reducing costs by avoiding the need to support numerous stand-alone devices.”
“Critically, the Specification meets the requirements of regulatory telematics apps which can improve productivity and safety.”
“Despite the expectations of stakeholders, not all in-vehicle devices deliver when it comes to accuracy, security and integrity.”
“Put simply, not all telematics hardware is created equal.”
For this reason, the Telematics In-Vehicle Unit (IVU) Functional and Technical Specification is not intended only for technology providers, but can be used in different ways depending on stakeholder needs:
- By any end-user establishing whether their current in-vehicle technologies meet the Specification
- By any end-user wanting to make better informed decisions when procuring Telematics IVUs
- By technology suppliers seeking type-approval of their Telematics IVU ‘types’ (which can be offered to transport operators and end-users).
As a performance-based specification, which promotes an open technology market and, there are already over 38,000 Telematics IVUs fitted to heavy vehicles (a 55% increase since 2014).
“TCA is happy to assist purchasers and end-users with any queries they may have with respect to the Specification, or in comparing different IVU types,” Mr Koniditsiotis said.
A copy of the Specification can be obtained by visiting