TCA reminds transport operators to ensure enrolment of applicable vehicles in the IAP

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) seeks to remind transport operators of the need to ensure the enrolment of applicable vehicles in the Intelligent Access Program (IAP).
“Transport operators are obliged to ensure applicable vehicles are enrolled in the IAP, before operating under any arrangement where the IAP is specified as a condition of access,” said TCA Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis.
“Transport operators should avoid putting their business operations at risk by unintentionally overlooking IAP requirements.”
“Transport operators are encouraged to make contact with their IAP Service Provider to ensure IAP enrolments reflect the conditions of access granted to their vehicles,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.
The IAP is a regulatory telematics application of the National Telematics Framework, and provides a 21st century approach for the road use management of heavy vehicles.
Only IAP Service Providers can provide IAP services. View further information about the IAP and IAP Service Providers.
TCA welcomes any enquiries from transport operators on (03) 8601 4600 or [email protected].