TCA Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Forum – A collaborative approach to managing mass to improve road network utilisation

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) is hosting a Forum to progress the discussion and advancement of weigh-in-motion technologies – both on-road and in-vehicle. The Forum is being held on 11 and 12 September in Brisbane.
TCA Chief Executive Officer, Chris Koniditsiotis, is the President of the International Society for Weigh-In-Motion (ISWIM) an international network of people and organisations active in the field.
Mr Koniditsiotis said, “I am seeking to develop a collaborative approach between users, government, industry and suppliers of traditional on-road WIM systems, and in-vehicle mass monitoring systems. The link between on-road and in-vehicle is an increasingly co-dependent relationship, and the two can now be connected in new and innovative ways.”
TCA has released the program for the Forum which is intended to highlight the synergies between on-road and in-vehicle systems and how data can be used to derive benefits across different stakeholder, including infrastructure design, maintenance, network management and transport uses. The Forum will include a two-part session on how the two systems are co-dependent and what can be done to address issues and to develop a future roadmap. Additionally, the Forum program includes the opportunity to observe field based in-operation activities.
Mr Koniditsiotis said, “We are very pleased with the number of speakers who have joined the program. We have road managers from across Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, plus end users of mass information all coming together to discuss these issues.”
“This Forum is another example of the critical role TCA plays in facilitating discussion, knowledge sharing and supporting the advancement of telematics and related intelligent technologies. However, it is more than just our understanding of technology, it is our ability to provide assurance in its implementation and future use.”
“TCA is looking forward to the opportunity to talk and spend time with anyone interested in the use of vehicular mass to achieve their public and private policy uses,” Mr Koniditsiotis said.