Transport for NSW puts telematics to use in its Freight Data Hub
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) commends Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for taking the lead in publishing road freight data through the NSW Freight Data Hub.
TCA and TfNSW have worked closely together to develop interactive maps which provide unparalleled insights into vehicle movements across the New South Wales road network.
With NSW being the first to publish this kind of analysis, it provides valuable insights into the movement of freight vehicles across NSW.
The interactive map presents heavy vehicle data for individual road segments, including journey counts and bi-directional movements.
Reports from the NSW Freight Data Hub are derived from applications administered through the National Telematics Framework.
As the Australian entity responsible for administration of the National Telematics Framework, TCA provides assurance in the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies. TCA performs a critical, independent role between industry and government in collecting, de-identifying and aggregating telematics data for broader use. This provides certainty to stakeholders that:
- transport operator and vehicle-specific data is protected
- commercially sensitive information is securely managed
- privacy-by-design principles are upheld.
The new RIM application provides a new way of collecting road use data from vehicles to better inform and optimise the management of road networks, and will provide valuable inputs into future versions of the interactive maps.
TfNSW is already using the Road Infrastructure Management (RIM) application for the Safety Productivity Environment and Construction Transport Scheme (SPECTS) and Port Botany Container Transportation Mass Exemption Notice 2019. Both initiatives provide productivity benefits to transport operators in exchange for sharing their data through RIM.
Standardised data collection and consent mechanisms made available through the RIM application make it easy for transport operators to ‘opt-in’.
With vehicles now enrolling in the RIM application, future versions of the interactive maps on the NSW Freight Data Hub will benefit from an increased sample size and vehicle representation.
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