Home > Schemes > TMA Higher Mass Limits (HML) in NSW and QLD

TMA Higher Mass Limits (HML) in NSW and QLD

TMA Higher Mass Limits (HML) schemes are offered in the following jurisdictions:

  • New South Wales
  • Queensland.
For more information on using TMA for either HML scheme, download the scheme document.

TMA HML Scheme (NSW)

The New South Wales Higher Mass Limits Declaration requires HML heavy vehicles operating in NSW to be enrolled in either: 

For the TMA HML Scheme (NSW), vehicle configuration must be declared through a user interface provided by the application service provider (ASP). Optionally, mass may also be declared through the user interface, to facilitate cross-border harmonisation with Queensland (where the declaration of mass is mandatory).

For more information, please read: 

For more information, visit the Transport for NSW website, or contact us.

You might also be interested in the TMA HML Scheme (QLD).  

TMA HML Scheme (QLD)

The Queensland Higher Mass Limits Declaration and the National Class 2 PBS Level 1 & 2A Truck and Dog Trailer Authorisation Notice requires HML heavy vehicles operating in Queensland to be enrolled in either:

Transport and Main Roads (TMR), Queensland, will commence a transition period from 1 December 2022 until 31 May 2024, such that:

  • From 1 December 2022, any new enrolments of eligible HML vehicles must be in the scheme of the TMA application only. From this date, eligible HML vehicles must not enrol in the related IAP scheme.
  • If an eligible HML vehicle was enrolled in the related IAP scheme before 1 December 2022, it may continue its enrolment until 31 May 2024. Enrolment may be cancelled in the IAP scheme and commenced in the scheme of the TMA application if eligibility criteria are met.

For the TMA HML Scheme (QLD), mass and vehicle configuration must be declared through a user interface provided by the ASP. However, if an enrolled vehicle has a TCA-approved Smart OBM system installed, mass and vehicle configuration data is required from this device rather than via self-declaration.

For more information, please read:

For more information, visit the Business Queensland website, or contact us.

You might also be interested in the TMA HML Scheme (NSW).

Last updated on 25 July 2024