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TMA Special Purpose Vehicle Monitoring Schemes (NSW)

About the scheme group

Transport operators of large mobile cranes, under an applicable instrument of access approval issued by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR), can operate on approved special purpose vehicle (SPV) route networks in New South Wales (NSW).

One of the conditions of access to the networks is telematics monitoring of SPVs. Transport operators may opt for eligible vehicles to be monitored under the Telematics Monitoring Application (TMA) or the Intelligent Access Program (IAP).

Special Purpose Vehicle Monitoring Schemes

There are two sets of SPV Monitoring schemes (one for TMA and one for IAP) as follows:

SchemeTMA ApplicationLevel of Assurance
TMA SPV Monitoring Schemes (NSW)TMA2
IAP SPV Monitoring Schemes (NSW)IAP3

The TMA SPV Monitoring Schemes (NSW) available to be enrolled in are:

  • TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme – Level 1 SPVs (NSW)
  • TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme – Level 2 SPVs (NSW)
  • TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme – Level 3 SPVs (NSW)
  • TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme – Level 4 SPVs (NSW)
  • TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme – Level 4 / 12t per Axle SPVs (NSW)
  • TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme – Level 5 SPVs (NSW)
  • TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme – Level 6 SPVs (NSW).

The schemes are made available by the Transport for NSW to permit access of eligible SPVs on approved routes of the road network of NSW.

Refer to the Transport for NSW website for more information on NSW’s SPV road networks.

Refer to the TMA SPV Monitoring Schemes (NSW) document for more information on the schemes, and how they are differentiated by SPV Levels 1 to 6.


To participate in a TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW), transport operators must conform with the requirements specified within one of the following as applicable:

  • New South Wales Class 1 Special Purpose Vehicle and Combination Exemption Notice
  • New South Wales Class 1 4-Axle & 5-Axle All Terrain Mobile Crane Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice
  • New South Wales Class 1 All Terrain Mobile Crane and Dolly Combination Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice
  • National Class 1 Special Purpose Vehicle (up to 40t total mass) Mass and Dimension Exemption Notice
  • Specific access permit available by application to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.

How to enrol

Step 1 – Choose an Application Service Provider (ASP) appropriately certified by TCA to offer TMA services (see also Note below).

Step 2 – Assist the ASP with any information it needs to complete the enrolment process.

Step 3a – Your ASP will ensure the telematics device is installed in your vehicle and certified by TCA. The telematics device will generate position records and report them to TCA.

Step 3b – Where a vehicle is enrolled in more than one TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW), mass and vehicle configuration must be declared through a TCA-approved user interface provided by the ASP.

Note: Transport operators of large mobile cranes that might change vehicle configuration must ensure that:
The ASP they select to facilitate enrolment in these schemes is certified by TCA to provide self-declaration services for the TMA application; and
The ASP provides a TCA-approved user interface that allows self-declaration.

More information

For more information on TMA or IAP enrolment, please see Telematics Monitoring Application (TMA) or Intelligent Access Program (IAP) or contact us.

For more information on the differences between TMA and IAP, please see our fact sheet on differences between TMA and IAP.

Frequently asked questions

Transport operators may choose to enrol eligible vehicles in TMA and/or IAP SPV Monitoring Schemes (NSW).

If eligible vehicles are already enrolled in an IAP SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW):

  • Enrolment may be cancelled in the IAP SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW) and commenced in the applicable TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW); or
  • Enrolment may be retained in the IAP SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW) and commenced in the applicable TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW) (i.e. enrolment may be in both).

If eligible vehicles are not enrolled in an IAP SPV Monitoring Scheme, they may be enrolled in the applicable TMA SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW) or IAP SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW).

To enrol in a TMA and/or IAP SPV Monitoring Scheme (NSW), please contact your certified service provider and let them know which scheme you’d like to be enrolled in. Your certified service provider will arrange for enrolment in the appropriate application on your behalf.

Yes, however your service provider will need to be notified, so they can enrol you in the relevant TMA scheme. Crane operators interested in enrolling in TMA are advised to discuss their requirements with their certified application service provider, keeping in mind your user interface may need to accept self-declaration.

A user interface is any device or interface used by the transport operator and/or its nominated representative to enter (or ‘self-declare’) data into a telematics device or ASP System.

No. You only need to enrol in the TMA scheme for your vehicle type.

Yes. If you intend to change configuration you will need self-declaration. You should discuss your requirements with your certified application service provider, keeping in mind your user interface must accept self-declaration.

You will need to speak to your application service provider about whether your current user interface accepts self-declaration.

TCA will analyse data received through the TMA application and make reporting available via the Telematics Analytics Platform (TAP). Access to reporting is managed by TCA and shared with the appropriate authority. Unless required by law, TCA will destroy the telematics data it has received relating to the transport operator’s nominated vehicle(s) 12 months from its receipt of the data.

Last updated on 27 August 2024