TCA and VicRoads issue reminder for innovative ITS applications for heavy vehicles
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today reminded interested parties that the deadline for submitting Industry Framework for Trialling Road Freight Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Associated Technologies1 proposals is fast approaching.
“There has been a strong level of interest from the freight and telematics sectors in this new initiative since the announcement by the Victorian Minister for Roads, Road Safety and Ports, the Hon Luke Donnellan MP,” said TCA Chief Executive Officer Chris Koniditsiotis.
“It is encouraging to note that the road freight industry is embracing the use of technology to derive benefits not only for the operation of their business, but which can deliver wider safety gains to the community.”
Interested parties are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Industry Framework for trialling road freight Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and associated technologies and submit their proposal before 8 April 2015.
Inquiries can be directed to Graham Taylor at TCA on 0408 068 190 or [email protected].