TCA and VicRoads welcome innovative ITS applications for heavy vehicles

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) and VicRoads today launched a new industry framework for trialling road freight Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and associated technologies1.
Announced by the Victorian Minister for Roads, Road Safety and Ports, the Hon Luke Donnellan MP, this initiative is amongst the first of its kind, and will allow the heavy vehicle, freight and ITS industries to come forward with innovative proposals to trial ITS technologies that can improve the operation of heavy vehicles on the Victorian road network.
“With many parts of the road transport industry already considered to be early adopters of innovative technologies, this initiative opens the door for ground-breaking approaches to the deployment of technologies which can improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of road freight transport,” said TCA Chief Executive Officer Chris Koniditsiotis.
“Moreover, this initiative presents an opportunity to demonstrate the deployment of Cooperative ITS (C-ITS) technologies – commonly referred to as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-centre (V2C) connectivity.”
“In simple terms, C-ITS is a convergence of in-vehicle systems and road-side systems – which not only represents the next major step forward in transport – but promises significant safety gains for road users, and over time, the potential to change the way road networks are used and managed.”
“Interested parties are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the Industry Framework for trialling road freight Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and associated technologies and submit their proposal before 8 April 2015.”
“Significantly, proposals that are selected to progress to trial on the Victorian road network will benefit from VicRoads providing access to its technology infrastructure – enabling V2I communications to occur.”
“For instance, we anticipate receiving innovative ideas demonstrating technologies that can allow heavy vehicles to communicate and interact with rest area locations, restricted routes and the rail network.”
“The Industry Framework builds on TCA’s role as a co-lead working with the European Union and United States Department of Transport on Harmonisation Task Group 6 (HTG6)2, to ensure a secure, effective and interoperable C-ITS environment in Australia,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.
This initiative supports an objective of the Victorian Freight and Logistics Plan to develop and run freight technology demonstration projects that improve road use management.