TCA type-approval granted to Tramanco OBM system

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today announced the type-approval of a Tramanco On-Board Mass (OBM) System.
The Chief Executive Officer of TCA, Chris Koniditsiotis, said “Tramanco Pty Ltd is to be applauded for obtaining type-approval of its CHEK-WAY Eliminator offering. This makes Tramanco amongst the first suppliers to have achieved type-approval of an OBM System.”
Details of the type-approved OBM System from Tramanco Pty Ltd are listed below:
Supplier |
OBM system model |
Category |
Tramanco |
CHECK-WAY Eliminator |
Category A |
There are three categories of type-approved OBM Systems (Categories A, B and C) which meet the needs of different stakeholders. Category A OBM Systems electronically display mass information to drivers and/or loaders.
“All categories of type-approval are subject to an assessment of the performance-based requirements contained in the OBM System Functional and Technical Specification, comprising the accuracy, reliability and robustness – as well as tamper evidence and security relevant to the typeapproval category – of OBM Systems.”
“TCA type-approval also extends to a business and probity assessment of OBM System suppliers, which verifies the capacity of suppliers to meet the expectations of consumers and end-users.”
“With OBM Systems serving many end user needs, type-approval caters for a range of uses without being hardwired to one policy need,” said Mr Koniditsiotis.
The Managing Director of Tramanco Pty Ltd, Roger Sack, said “We are proud to have our CHEK-WAY Eliminator OBM System type-approved by TCA.”
“The Australian-made CHEK-WAY weighing products are modular systems designed to cater for multiple axle groups, which can support up to eight connected axle groups at any one time.”
“Mass measurements can also be displayed through our Phone-WAY product (an Android-based remote weights display), which offers greater flexibility for users.”
“The CHEK-WAY Eliminator system can be used to monitor the loading and unloading of a vehicle, and provides overload warnings, calibration adjustments to allow for axle lifting and other conditions, and the remote reporting of alarms and weights,” said Mr Sack.
Further information can be found at