Telematics Industry Group leads engagement on new government initiatives

Transport Certification Australia (TCA), the national government body responsible for providing assurance in the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies, this week hosted the Telematics Industry Group (TIG) in Melbourne.
TCA acting Chief Executive Officer, Gavin Hill, said “Over 40 leading experts from the telematics industry across the country met with TCA to receive briefings on the growing use of telematics and related intelligent technologies across government policy areas to enable public purpose outcomes.”
TIG provides a forum where TCA interacts with the telematics sector on government-led initiatives to improve the safety and productivity of transport through the use of telematics.
“The interaction we have with TIG members is highly valued. TCA can only perform its functions, and deliver the productivity, safety and efficiency reforms being led by Australian governments through the use of telematics, with the valuable interactions we gain from the telematics industry,” said Mr Hill.
The meeting included a briefing on the latest specifications developed by TCA, including the Interconnectivity of Telematics IVU with Other Systems Functional and Technical Specification and the On-Board Mass (OBM) System Functional Technical Specification.
These new performance based specifications focus on outcomes sought by governments, rather than prescribing technologies, and emphasise the ability to co-locate applications. They join a growing library of functional and technical specifications within the National Telematics Framework.
The advantages of operating within a nationally agreed framework flow through as benefits to end-users in the form of lower costs, greater inter-connectivity, greater competition and choice, while shortening the time it takes to bring new applications to market.
TCA thanks David Mitchell, Director, Infrastructure & Corridor Analysis from the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE) for taking the time to meet with TIG members on a new, national initiative which will demonstrate ways to use aggregated, de-identified telematics data to better inform road infrastructure planning decisions.
The project is recognition of TCA’s national role in providing assurance, including adherence to legislative safeguards and processes to manage the collection, use and disclosure of telematics data.
“I take this opportunity to acknowledge TIG members for taking the time to attend this meeting, and their participation in discussions,” Mr Hill concluded.
To find out more about TIG, to become a member of TIG, or to view the June 2017 presentations, please visit the TIG page.