News Archives: 2018

TCA introduces new safety application for hill descents
18 December 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today released a new safety application through the National Telematics Framework to manage hill descents. The new Hill Descent Monitoring (HDM) application monitors heavy vehicle speed…

Stephen Golding stands down as chairperson of TCA
23 November 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) has announced that Stephen Golding AM RFD is standing down as Chairperson of TCA at its forthcoming December Board meeting. After a long and distinguished career,…

TCA release Annual Report for 2017-18
22 November 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) has released its Annual Report for 2017-18. The Report marks the culmination of a highly productive and influential year for TCA, detailing work on a range…

Chris Koniditsiotis announces retirement from TCA
13 November 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) has announced that Chris Koniditsiotis is retiring from the position of Chief Executive Officer. Well-known across the transport and technology sectors, Chris Koniditsiotis has led TCA…

Improvements to the IAP get the go-ahead
9 November 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today confirmed that improvements will be made to the Intelligent Access Program (IAP). The IAP is an application of the National Telematics Framework, which provides a…

TCA type-approval granted to Tramanco OBM system
23 August 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today announced the type-approval of a Tramanco On-Board Mass (OBM) System. The Chief Executive Officer of TCA, Chris Koniditsiotis, said "Tramanco Pty Ltd is to be…

TCA announces its first type-approved On-Board Mass (OBM) System
20 August 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today announced the first type-approved OBM System. The Chief Executive Officer of TCA, Chris Koniditsiotis, said "Loadmass Pty Ltd (trading as Loadman Australia) is to be…

Consolidating heavy vehicle rest area information for In-Cab navigation devices and services
23 July 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today announced that it is consolidating heavy vehicle rest area information for navigation devices and services used by heavy vehicle drivers. Prompted by calls from the…

Record growth in the Intelligent Access Program (IAP)
18 July 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today reported record growth in the IAP over the last twelve months. From 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018, an additional 657 vehicles were enrolled…

National Telematics Framework – Updated document suite launched
9 July 2018
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today released an updated suite of documents for the National Telematics Framework. The National Telematics Framework is a government-endorsed, digital business platform for telematics and related…