News Archives: 2014

TCA releases Telematics Data Dictionary
11 December 2014
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today announced, in response to a request from Australian Transport Ministers, that it has released a Telematics Data Dictionary that establishes a common set of definitions…

NSW adopts the use of OBM systems linked to the IAP
8 December 2014
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today acknowledged that On-Board Mass (OBM) systems linked to the Intelligent Access Program (IAP) are now a requirement for specific vehicle combinations and loads in New…

25,000 IVUs that satisfy key TCA requirements installed in Australian heavy vehicles
29 October 2014
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today reported on the estimated number of telematics In-Vehicle Units (IVUs) installed in heavy vehicles throughout Australia which satisfy key TCA requirements. Intelligent Access Program (IAP)…

TCA welcomes improved HML access on New England Highway
8 July 2014
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today acknowledged the availability of uninterrupted Higher Mass Limits (HML) access – through the Intelligent Access Program (IAP) – on the New England Highway in New…

TCA to develop Telematics Data Dictionary
4 June 2014
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today announced it has taken a lead role in the development of a Telematics Data Dictionary, to establish a common set of definitions for the use…

TCA commences type-approval for Telematics In-Vehicle Units (IVUs)
28 May 2014
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today announced it is now accepting applications for type-approval of Telematics In-Vehicle Units (IVUs). “In recent months we’ve received a strong level of interest from the…

Intelligent Access Program (IAP) pilot commences in Sweden
17 April 2014
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) and Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration) announced at this week’s inaugural meeting of the new OECD Workshop for High Capacity Vehicles in Paris that the Operational Pilot…

TCA to support reforms being led by the Victorian Taxi Services Commission (TSC)
14 April 2014
TCA today announced that it is working with the TSC to support the implementation of its In-Taxi Technology Reform Program. The TSC is an independent body established in July 2011,…

TCA to provide assurance across government through its new Strategic Plan
3 April 2014
TCA today released its new Strategic Plan, which responds to the growing use of telematics and related intelligent technologies – including Co-operative ITS (C-ITS) applications – by governments as enablers…

Privacy critical to engendering trust in the use of C-ITS
12 March 2014
To coincide with changes to the Privacy Act which commence today, TCA emphasised the need to uphold strict privacy safeguards in order to progress the wider use of telematics and…