News Archives: 2017

Certified Telematics Apps Drive Productivity Reforms
17 November 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) has highlighted the availability of an updated Australian bridge standard which leads the way for enhanced access to drive productivity. The Australian Standard for bridge assessment…

Acquisition of TCA certified service provider by Telstra
7 November 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) today released information about the acquisition of a certified service provider. MTData and its wholly-owned subsidiary Transport Compliance Services (TCS) – which has been certified by…

TCA releases 2016-2017 Annual Report
27 October 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) has released its Annual Report for the 2016-17 financial year. The Annual Report highlights how TCA worked across government portfolios and industry sectors to navigate the…

Open technology market for On-Board Mass Systems
11 October 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA), the national government body responsible for providing assurance in the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies, today announced it has received five applications for type-approval…

TCA Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) and On-Board Mass (OBM)
15 September 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) hosted the Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Forum this week in Brisbane. TCA Chief Executive Officer and President of the International Society for Weigh-In-Motion (ISWIM), Chris Koniditsiotis said, “The…

TCA Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Forum – A collaborative approach to managing mass to improve road network utilisation
15 August 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) is hosting a Forum to progress the discussion and advancement of weigh-in-motion technologies – both on-road and in-vehicle. The Forum is being held on 11 and…

TCA proud to sponsor technology award at the 28th Australian Freight Industry Awards
27 July 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA) is proud to sponsor the Application of Technology Award (Shaun Owen Memorial) at the 28th Australian Freight Industry Awards (AFIA). The awards are being hosted by…

Intelligent Access Program (IAP) passes major milestone
21 June 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA), the national government body responsible for providing assurance in the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies, today reported that there are now over 4,000 individual…

Telematics Industry Group leads engagement on new government initiatives
9 June 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA), the national government body responsible for providing assurance in the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies, this week hosted the Telematics Industry Group (TIG) in…

TCA hosts international and Australian experts in connected vehicles at special industry event
1 June 2017
Transport Certification Australia (TCA), the national government body responsible for providing assurance in the use of telematics and related intelligent technologies, this week hosted the Connected Vehicle Security and Standards…